Welcome to Powered by Arts Impact:
An Evaluation Toolkit
We hope you will find information and inspiration here to support your organization’s evaluation journey.
We have designed this toolkit with the following objectives in mind:
- To increase understanding about organizational strengths and areas of opportunity around evaluation.
- To share practical impact measurement ideas, tools and resources, including a searchable database of common outcomes related to arts impact work and corresponding indicators and questions so you can build their own impact measurement tools.
- To share practical impact measurement ideas, tools and resources, including a searchable database of common outcomes related to arts impact work and corresponding indicators and questions so you can build their own impact measurement tools.

What is evaluation?
Evaluation is the process of gathering information in a systematic way to understand the extent to which a program or initiative is contributing to change in a community; what that change is; and how an organization’s impact can be strengthened.
How to use the toolkit
We have designed this toolkit like a “choose-your-own-adventure” book meets magazine personality quiz.
There are a series of questions that you can answer related to your organization’s evaluation capacity and practices. Based on your responses, you will be recommended specific tools and resources.
If you are in a rush and don’t have time for a big adventure right now, you can also find a full list of our custom-built resources as well as other resources created and shared by partners in the arts sector and beyond here.