- Gather informed consent
- Explain why you are gathering information and what you are going to use it for
- Explain who will have access to the information
- Let them know how their privacy will be protected
- Explain that the tool is voluntary and if there is a question they don’t want to answer, they can skip to the next one
- Ask if participants understand and agree to participate
- Remove barriers to participation
- Provide childcare
- Compensate people for their wisdom and time, when appropriate with cash or gift cards
- Provide food
- Translate surveys and other materials
- Offer assisted surveys in a verbal format
- Take a trauma-informed approach
- Understand that any question may be triggering for somebody
- Let people know that if they need to take a break at any point to let you know
- Look for signs of distress and stop and ask if somebody is okay
- Provide information about supportive resources or have somebody qualified on-hand to provide act as a support person
- Use the information and report back
- Only gather information that you know you are going to use
- Make good use of the information you gather
- Report back to participants on how you have used the information
- Check out our Participant Feedback Report Template for more ideas